Sunday 22 March 2015

The First 'C' of Mega Data: Capture

Or perhaps it should be 'C' for Create?.  There are many estimates of just how many devices will be generating data as part of the massive growth of IoE3 (Internet of Everything, Everywhere, Everyone).  I thought it would be interesting to take a look at just how these devices will be identified across the Internet.

Cisco predicts that there will be 50 billion devices by 2020: Most remarkable observation in the infographic (left) that Cisco produced was that already by 2008 there were more devices connected to the Internet than there were people on Earth.

Another observation is rhat the introduction of IPv6 will provide 100 Internet addresses for every atom on the face of the Earth.  That's an estimate that will reassure everyone who's worried that we'll run out of IP addresses!

IPv6 was introduced in 2011 and has since become to be adopted by technology vendors for IP addresses.  Quoting the Internet Society:

"An IP address is basically a postal address for each and every Internet-connected device. Without one, websites would not know where to send the information each time you perform a search or try to access a website. However, the world officially ran out of the 4.3 billion available IPv4 addresses in February 2011.
Yet, hundreds of millions of people are still to come online, many of whom will do so in the next few years. IPv6 is what will allow them to do so, providing enough addresses (2128 to be exact) for everyone and all of their various devices."

So, there you go....we now have an almost unlimited number of addresses that can be used for identifying devices.  Now, just imagine how much data they'll generate.....could be the subject of a future blog.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing. It'd be interesting to see how all these pan out........the end game sort of.
